Sweeping Glass – paperback
ISBN: 9781881276340
Trim Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: paperback
Page Count: 102
Introductory price: $12.68 (expires 1-31-2025)
The title of this book is Sweeping Glass, and reflects a skill passed onto me by my mother.
This collection contains poems that I created over a span of more than 50 years. They appear in alphabetical order just to keep them corralled in some kind of logical order. A few have dates, which refers to when an actual event occurred -- not when the poem was written. All were composed whenever I had the chance. They are raw, uneven in quality, and frank. If you know me, nothing will surprise you.
This book is dedicated to my mother, Betty Mullins Jones, who bought me my first harmonica and taught me to drive a stick shift.
Sara Naylor –
Although these poems are personal to the author, they touch on emotions with which all of us can identify. This is the kind of writing that results when perceptive observation is combined with a mastery of expression. It’s the product of an old soul with a caring heart journeying through a frequently cruel world. There is nothing precious or pretentious among these poems. Still, they manage to convey hope and grace in the face of despair and cruelty.